Ghosts From the Past  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is it about our pasts that haunt us and keep us trapped in chains? Why is it that when you're the one who was wronged, you have a greater tendency to avoid those that have wronged you as if somehow you are the culprit?

It took me a long time to figure out that it was me who was allowing myself to be wrapped in those chains rather than setting myself free. I have recently taken steps to allow myself to rediscover that not only am I worthy of His love, but that I did not deserve to be subjected to such hurtful and demeaning acts. As we go through our journey in life, there will be many people that will hurt us in one way or another. As sad as it is for people to feel that they can go through life treating others this way, it is much sadder to deprive ourselves of what God intended for us to have in this journey called life. "At times, others may treat us disrespectfully, but we can be certain of our dignity and worth because we have been created in the image of God". You won't always get that apology you feel you deserve, nor will you always see karma at work or have the satisfaction of having all truths revealed, but we should never forget that we mean everything to our creator. Continue to "love thy enemy" for we are taught that there is no honor in loving those who love us back, but rather that there is great honor in loving those that wrong us. Trust that all will be put right in its due course, and that even though all your prayers may not be answered, all of the ones that SHOULD be answered in accordance to His divine plan will be!

I want to thank all of those that helped me face my ghosts from my past, and most importantly, helped me get back on track in my spiritual life! You know who you are! I couldn't have done it without you! I know it couldn't have been easy!

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Spring Cleaning Fun!  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yes, I've been a bad girl! Old habits die hard, don't they? Almost as soon as I made the transition over here from LJ, I reverted back to it! Well, after another glitch on their side, I finally decided to shut LJ down! So there you have it, no more bouncing back and forth! As a part of my spring cleaning regime, I've cancelled LJ! So to keep in line with the spirit of spring cleaning and my re-introduction to blogspot, how about a hands-on review supplies! YAY!

Now don't go running for the hills just yet. This is one of my newest additions to my Going Clean Green lineup! Of all of the dish detergents I've tried to date, Earth Friendly Products Natural Spa Dish Soap has been my favorite so far. Not only is it great at cleaning up the grimy grease, but it leaves my hands nice and soft! Oh, and the lemongrass scent is a great perk! The price may be a bit daunting for some, but I will say that a little bit really does go a long way with this product. And who can put a price tag on helping to save the environment, right? Did I mention it leaves your hands super soft? :)

Earth Friendly Products Natural Spa Dish Soap

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