Oprah strikes again!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What is this fascination with Oprah?! Ok so now I've had my Kindle for about a year now, right? I've even turned a few of you guys onto them =p. Well, when I find something I think is great I like to share it with everyone so that they can share in the wealth. I mean really, the initial cost is saved in a matter of maybe 20 Kindle books? Not to mention, it saves bookshelf space and is great for traveling without lugging around a bag of books. Fast forward a year. All those people that told me they thought it was a waste of money and useless? They get a Kindle...why? BECAUSE OPRAH SAID TO! It's scary that one person has such a great influence over so many that don't have a clue as to what they REALLY think! All of a sudden people are asking me where I've been getting all my books and if they can get copies! I honestly don't mind sharing, I mean I've let people borrow my Kindle in the past when they were considering the purchase, but it makes me laugh that the people that had firsthand experience with it didn't purchase it until Oprah said "OMG YOU MUST BUY THIS!". When will people learn to think for themselves?!
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